What You Think You Know About Time Management is Completely Outdated
Discover How To Leverage Your Time To Create Better Choice in Your Business & Life.
An Online Program and System with a Step by Step Implementation Guide to STOP You Being a Slave to Time.
Take Back Control of Your Time and Your Life

Your LifeTime Leverage System
Fast Forward Your Future - By using this LifeTime Leverage System to Define and Develop your Relationship with Time... The Online Program is supported by a downloadable Step By Step Implementation Guide with strategies and tips to help you apply what you have learned on the course - LifeTime Value
Stop Doing Stuff & Start Doing Stuff That Matters...
Time Intent© is a simple proven process that will gain you back time to have the choice of where to invest your time and in what.
This Online-Course contains 14 workbook pages full of easy to understand learnings, supporting videos, model, online assessments and your implementation guide that you can use immediately... Plus other downloadable supporting documents.
During this Online Course you will:

Learn How To Maximise Personal Effectiveness & Energy

Learn How To Give Yourself Emotional Permission to Succeed

Learn Daily Decision Making & Support Systems

Learn Strategic Planning Cycle & Cascading Goals

Learn How to Move from Chaos to Control to ...Choice

Learn The Empowerment Continuum & The Art of Delegation

Learn The Difference Between 'Time Management' & 'Time Intent'

Learn The Top 10 Prioritization Tools & Methods

Learn How to Gain Back 30-40% Of Your Time Immediately To Work ON Your Business

Learn How to Set Powerful Expectations That Will Influence Your Experiences

Leading to Leverage - Learn How Motivate Your Team & Systemise Your Business

Learn One Simple Strategy that will Change Your Current Reality & Gain You Future Choice
This is NOT just another Online Course - It is a Complete, Proven & Proprietary System that is only available to you here, which you get to keep and reference the strategies within... FOREVER
Its not about finding more time to do more stuff; its about gaining time back to create future choice...
Ask yourself these two fundamental questions:
- Has the time I have 'spent' getting me to where I am today, truly paying me the returns I desire?
- By 'spending' more time in the same way that got me to where I am today, truly going to get me to where I want to be tomorrow?
If you want to claim back control of your time and your life...
Become a Business Academy Member & Get Access to This & All ProgramsThree Elements of Your LifeTime Leverage System
What can I make it my intention to do today that will gain me time back tomorrow for future choices?

Download a Slide Share of The Entire LifeTime Leverage System and Start Using It Today
We are so confident that you will want to learn more about how to implement strategies behind the models and the methods that we are sharing the entire system compendium with you...
We respect your privacy and will never share your information with any third party. You will shortly receive an email with a link to download the Compendium. We will add you to our educational email list from which you can unsubscribe at anytime.
Online Course Modules...
Discover exactly what you will gain from this online program, that includes workbooks, assessments, videos, learning papers and a downloadable, comprehensive step by step implementation strategy guide...

Module 1
Success leaves a trail and highly successful people tend to have the following LifeTime leverage traits in common...
These traits work together in combination, and none are genetic! You will learn them to leverage your life and your time.
Plus... Your Introduction to your LifeTime Leverage System

Module 2
We each have a relationship with Time and we will discover yours.
You will learn...
How to STOP being a slave to time.
Discover if you are using time constraints as an excuse to stay exactly where you are.
And how to invest your time with intent to gain future choices

Module 3
Stop Managing Your Time & Start Manging Your Energy...
Most people believe that balance and efficiency is a function of managing their Time, where in fact the key to balance and efficiency is to manage your Intentional Energy…
You will learn the The Four Domains Of Energy with tips and strategies of how to use them to leverage your energy levels

Module 4
It is a scientific fact the long term effect of continuous stress induce hormones that create dis-ease in the body, building an environment to manifest disease.
You will learn how to develop your awareness of the stress response, its evolutionary designed natural benefits and how to control it, quickly switching from Survival Mode to Creative Mode.

Module 5
It's not about managing time, it's about gaining back control of your life by giving yourself the emotional permission to appreciate you will never be able to do everything.
You will learn the 3 systemised Decision making (Choice) funnels of Emotional Permission, Deliberate Intention, Focused Intention to move from: Chaos to Control to Influence to Empowerment to Choice

Module 6
To practice Emotional Intelligence in the realisation that the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life is dependent upon the degree to which you give yourself the emotional permission…
You will learn there is no such thing as time management. There is only self-management and how to gain control of the self through our proprietary emotional permission decision funnel
Ready To Take Back Control - Become A Business Academy Member
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Module 7
Aligning your Emotional Intentions to what you give your Deliberate Attention to through decision making & support systems that will allow you to Redefine Your Relationship with Time.
You will learn the 10 decision making systems, and choose three of them to implement while working on BEing that person who will take action on them.

Module 8
To practice a process of planning how to Invest Your Time only on those things you Intend to do that day / month / quarter that will move you closer to your goals and /or gain you time back for future choice.
Your past does not equal your future, and having a plan is not the important element of Planning… You will find out what is and how to focus your intentions and learn how to effectively strategically plan

Module 9
Great Expectations... You will learn how to harness the power of expectations to guide your daily experiences.
In fact, you are continually projecting your expectations into your future experiences whether you are aware of it or not... So why not take control of your expectations instead of being controlled by them.
Download a Slide Share of The Entire LifeTime Leverage System and Start Using It Today
We are so confident that you will want to learn more about how to implement strategies behind the models and the methods that we are sharing the entire system compendium with you...
We respect your privacy and will never share your information with any third party. You will shortly receive an email with a link to download the Compendium. We will add you to our educational email list from which you can unsubscribe at anytime.

Module 10
Learn how to trigger your Reticular Activating System (RAS)... This powerful subconscious radar is an inherent part of your brain stem that connects to all major parts of the Limbic System and Neo-Cortex. Its purpose is to filter and communicate to your conscious mind that which is significant for you, thus improving your opportunity to recognise and act upon opportunities to fulfil your goals.

Module 11
The hours that most people idly waste, successful people leverage through continual innovation, whilst the idlers become 'Slaves to Time'... Along side marketing, systemising your business is your biggest opportunity to leverage innovation...
You will learn the 3 Principles of Leading to Leverage and four basic steps to systemising your business

Module 12
Spend money unwisely and you can always make more; spend time unwisely and it’s gone forever… Time is our most valuable asset, yet most of us spend it doing the things that matter least at the expense of doing the things that matter most.
Find out why that is, how to control it, and learn how to disassociate failure, from you being a failure.

Module 13
DOWNLOAD Your Step by Step Implementation Guide to help you apply what you have learned... The time you have 'spent' to get you to where you are today, will not get you to where you want to be tomorrow.
To maximum productivity and effectiveness you need to stop spending time and start making money, and for that you will use this workbook to implement your chosen strategies from within.

Module 14
Congratulations on taking a huge step in gaining time back for future choices
Now that you have a better understanding of your relationship with time, its time, to help your team understand their relationship with time.
Our 'Gamification' strategies and Next Step suggestions will help you to truly cement and gain wisdom from your new learning by teaching others.

Business Academy
Business Academy is a business re-education group coaching program encompassing 9 live webinars delivered on a monthly basis... The LifeTime Leverage System was developed in support of one of the Business Academy webinars and is free to Business Academy Members. However, the videos, assessments, downloads, implementation guides & workbook pages within this system constitute a stand alone Mini Course for you to benefit from.
"Time and money are the only two things you can invest;
Though only by investing your time into expanding your mind, can you expand your wealth.”
Time For Success
You Leverage your life by purposely giving yourself the emotional permission to focus your intentions on investing your time in activities today, that will gain you time back for future choices tomorrow...
With Your Business Academy Membership You Gain Immediate Access To Your Personal Library With This & All 9 Online Programmes + Access to The Global Community with Live Interactive Feed, Q&A Webinars, Quarterly Planning Sessions, Networking Events, And all the Benefits of Your Membership Portal For A Small Monthly Membership Retainer Every Business Can Afford...
Invest Your Time Now - Become a Member - Save £££ Gain All Benefits
“When we started the program our business was uncontrolled, unmonitored, unpredictable and unrealistic. We had no clear direction, cash flow was difficult and sales were very low. The business was heading in the wrong direction. The team itself was not performing and affecting the business was under strain. Thanks to the systems we now have a business! As well as a much better sense of direction and importantly we are now working very well as a team. We were losing money each month and within a few months were making the same as we were losing. We have since increased revenue by over 130% and have the business systems in place to allow us to compete in a much higher value market. We believe we are on course to see even greater returns and there are some very exciting projects in the pipeline that will see us having to quadruple the workforce and transform the business.
More importantly I have gained time back to spend with my son”
Jimmy Burwood - MD Burnhouse Engineering